New Age Kurling
Our Year 4 Kurlers proved tough opposition today at Avenue Primary winning 3 out of 4 of their games and coming fourth overall out of 9 teams in the event.
This is always a lovely event to go to and our team represented Dorchester so well in every way. The matches were very closely fought and really relied on the kurlers being absolutely accurate and managing to secure at least one 50 point stone by hitting the target exactly – no easy task! In our first game, our players got nicely warmed up, managing to secure lots of 40 point stones but not quite finding the 50 mark. From therein, though, they really found the weight they needed with their stones and their victories in the next three games were won by hitting that 50 numerous times in each. Every one of the team managed at least one spot-on shot which was a real achievement!
A great performance all-round by Henry, Jennevieve, Anya and Sophia – well done Team Dorchester!