Teatime Concert Tuesday 22nd
Good afternoon,
The running order for the teatime concert on Tuesday will be as follows:
Infants Choir
Junior Choir
Dylan (Year 5) on guitar
Gabriela (Year 3) on piano
Nuwaira (Year 6) singing
Lisa (Year 4) on piano
Haim (Year 5) on piano
Tiyanshika (Year 4) on piano
Charlotte (Year 4) on violin
Raphael (Year 6) piano
There may be some further additions to the lineup, but as things stand quite a wonderful show to look forward to!
Families, please wait by the assembly hall at pick up time, and your children who are performing will be there waiting to perform. Doors will open from 3.15pm. The evening will be hosted by our two lead Year 6 music ambassadors, Raphael and Saoirse.
Any queries, please email Mr Dennis on ddennis14@suttonmail.org