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Nursery: What activity did you enjoy at our Earlybirds sessions?

Our Family Earlybirds sessions were the highlight of this week. We were able to share lots of learning ideas that the children can do at home to help them to prepare for Reception. The children really enjoyed sharing their learning with their special adults and they were able to show them everything that they have learnt this year. We had activities to develop fine motor skills, Phonics games, name writing activities, maths activities and craft ideas to support the children to remember the 3 a day stories that they are able to recite with confidence. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our Nursery families for their support this year. To the families that are leaving us we wish you and your children every success in their new schools. To the children that are joining our Reception Classes at Dorchester Primary School we cannot wait to see when you visit to show us all of your wonderful new learning. To the families that are staying at nursery, we cannot wait to share another year of learning with you. We are really looking forward to our End of year celebration on Monday and hope to see as many of you as possible on this day.