How are farms an important part of our food chain?
This week, Yellow class and some of Buttercup had a wonderful time at Wimbledon Mosque. It was wonderful to come back to school and see all of the children in Year 2 be able to discuss what they had seen and done on their trip. We also completed a mind map in RE, showing all the different roles an Imam has within the community. In English this week, the children have been writing in the progressive tense. They looked at simple past and present tense (‘I run’, ‘I ran’) and turned it into the progressive form (‘I am running’, ‘I was running’). The children were able to apply this skill into lots of different sentences. As well as this, we completed two reading booklets and a SPaG booklet. In Maths, we practised our arithmetic and reasoning skills, before completing two more booklets. We have been very impressed at the effort the children have put into their final Year 2 booklets - well done! In Science, we explored how farms are used to support our food chain. In Geography, the children have looked at the climate and habitats in Southern Africa, and how animals there have adapted to these environments. In Art, the children drew a plan for their final tile design, looking at the sculptor Rachel Whiteread for inspiration. In Computing, the children used a spreadsheet to filter important information about our cake thief.