Where is the Kalahari Desert?
This week, the children have begun learning all about Southern Africa. We explored where the Kalahari Desert is, and what it looks like on a map. In English this week, the children have been learning how to accurately use commas in a list. In Maths, the children have been using their known facts to solve problems, and have applied strategies such as partitioning, number lines and bar models to support their understanding when solving worded problems. In Art, we have been exploring how to use clay, using our hands as a tool for shaping. In RE, the children had to go to a different teacher to find out information about Muslim festivals, and report back what they found out to the rest of their class. In Computing, we started looking at what is in an email, and practised sending one to Mrs Bell. In Science, we started looking at our allotment and made a plan of what we want to grow.