What features in your writing for Oliver Twist will enhance the description?
Please enter an introduction for your news story here.
This week in Year 5 we have been continuing with our work on practising using speech and narrative in a fine balance with one another to create a dramatic piece of writing centered around the famous, “Please sir, I want some more!” scene from Oliver Twist.
In Maths, we having been looking at standard and non-standard units of measuring both capacity and volume, focussing on estimating and problem solving.
In Science, we have been looking at the reproductive parts of plants and how asexual reproduction takes place amongst certain plants and the importance of how this works.
In PSHE, we have been talking more about lifestyle choices, and what might happen our bodies if we do not maintain a balanced lifestyle – e.g. eating too much of less healthy foods, or not eating enough of the right foods and the impact it can have on our mental and physical health.
In DT, we are experimenting with the design elements of the doodlers we are making, and how the positioning of certain elements will affect their movement, and the children need to consider their own design choices for their future build.