What is inside a seed?
This week, we have explored what a balanced argument is and thought about why the wok could be seen as a good or bad character in our story, The Runaway Wok. This is to prepare them for their star writes which they will be completing next week.
In Maths, we have started our measurement unit. We have looked at measuring objects in grams and kilograms, as well as comparing mass using the words "heavier" and "lighter". The children have explored the idea that size does not mean that something is necessarily heavier.
In Geography and Computing, the children were really excited to research our new topic ‘From Dragons to Dim Sum’, which is all about China. The children found lots of interesting facts, which they will be creating a presentation about this half-term. In Science, the children dissected kidney beans to see what was inside of a seed. In PSHE, we spoke about the importance of respecting each other's boundaries and privacy.