What did you enjoy most about the D&T cookery day?
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This week in Year 5, we have been creating leaflets, persuading members of the public to visit Hampton Court Palace. We have been focusing on persuasive devices and parenthesis, as well as publishing skills. In Maths, we have been dividing where there are remainders and solving division worded problems. We also had a really fun day on Tuesday, making and sampling a vegan bolognese! We cut all the vegetables ourselves before sautéing them on the hob in the Staff Room. Our mixtures were bubbling away in slow cookers, filling the school with the smells of healthy food! In Blue Class, 23 out of 29 children said it was absolutely delicious. We would say that's a success!
In RE, we have been learning about the Pagan origins of the Christian festival of Easter, following on from learning about the origins of Christmas last week. It is so interesting to discover that traditions and practices which we take part in year on year have roots in ancient history. In History, we have continued learning about the Black Tudors, discovering interesting information about key figures from this time period.