What would the world be like with no friction at all?
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This week in Year 5, we have started a new multiplication and division unit Mathematics, and so on that note, please do test and hammer in the times tables with your children as much as possible if they do not yet know them off by heart as it will help hugely over the next few weeks. In English, the children wrote some wonderfully persuasive letters focussing on emotive and persuasive language, we are looking forward to reading them all. In RE, we studied the story of The Good Samaritan and learnt about the importance of helping others if we are able to. In Science, we discussed the theory around friction and how as a force it can be created and how it differs from surface to surface. Indigo class have had their second week of swimming and the rest of year 5 are carrying on with real PE sessions. Please practise your spellings and times tables everyone, and do please have a go at the dip and do homework activities – they are tremendous fun!