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Year 3/4 news 20.1.23

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This week, Year 4 have been retelling the story of day and night from our book Sulwe. We have focussed on using fronted adverbials, conjunctions and expanded noun phrases in our writing to make it exciting to read. Year 3 have been writing descriptions based on the story Adventures of Tadeo Jones and have been using exciting adjectives. In Maths, Year 4 have been learning to multiply and divide by 10 and 100 and have been using this information to find related multiplication and division facts. Year 3 have been learning how to measure using a ruler and how to compare and order lengths. In RE, we have all been learning about role models and what this means. We have thought carefully about our role models and why they are inspirational. During our Science lessons, we have been learning about the human body and the names of the major bones in our bodies. 


Who is your role model and why?