Year 3/4 news 11.11.12
Please enter an introduction for your news story here.
This week, we have been investigating friction and have been using it to save Miss Flint who was thundering down a hill on a sledge! We found that making the bottom of the sledge rougher, adding extra weight and increasing the surface area slowed Miss Flint down by increasing friction. In PSHE, we learnt about the importance of human rights and ranked them according to which we thought were the most important. For our RE topic of Sikhism, we learnt about the 5 Ks and how the Khalsa were first formed. In Computing, we learnt how to add images to slides and manipulate those images, as well as changing the backgrounds to improve our presentations. In Year 3 English, we have continued our learning about the lost thing and made a lost poster for our own creature. In Year 4 English, we have continued our story 'The Barnabus Project' and created our own failed experiments which we then described.