What does it mean to be a good friend?
This week has been very busy, with lots of exciting activities for the children to take part in! We have been wrapping up this half term’s topic, and have been so impressed by how much the children have remembered about Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole - and they particularly enjoyed our Kahoot quizzes. They have also been reviewing some of our sentence types in English and have amazed us with their exclamations! In Maths, we have also revised using ten frames and number lines for adding and subtracting. Finally, we have ended the week with a workshop all about how to be a good friend. We have sent all of the children home with a spelling/handwriting booklet and hope that between all the fun activities over half term, they can find some calm time to practise their handwriting and spelling of key words (plus there are some mindfulness colouring pages for when they need a break).