Our First Full Week in Reception
Wow! The Reception children have finished their first week as full time pupils. This week we have explored what we look like and how we differ from our friends. We have also thought about what it feels like to be happy or sad and what makes us have those feelings. In phonics, we have started to learn our first sounds and how to recognise them at the beginning of words. One of the classes has had their first experience of Forest School. They met the chickens and explored the environment. We have seen many children playing together, learning to share and inviting each other to join their games. Outside, they have been jumping in puddles, playing with the water pump and learning why we need aprons! Everyone has had a chance to make their own playdough, and it was lovely to see the expressions on some faces when they saw how flour, oil, salt and water transforms into a malleable dough. If this is the first week, we cannot wait to see what the children will do with the rest of this Reception Year!