What will you remember about performing 'Peter Pan'?
Year 6 News
'Tell me a story'; 'The Pirates of the Sea'; 'Do you believe in fairies?' have just been some of the brilliant songs that we have performed this week, as part of our Year 6 production. 'Peter Pan' is a familiar story to many but our version has some interesting tweaks and characters. On Tuesday, Year 6 performed to the other children in the school and received some genuinely lovely compliments. Our performance to parents and carers on Thursday eve will be remembered for a long time. We are so proud of all that the children have achieved during this process - some have learnt new skills and even discovered previously hidden talents. One of two have found out about potential careers in the performing arts and as backstage crew. Also, this week, we have had some visitors from Sutton School Christian Workers and from the local authority, both helping the children to consider various elements of transition to high school.