What time adverbs can you remember?

The children have had lots of fun this week and enjoyed the lovely weather. The children have had lots of fun this week and enjoyed the lovely weather
In Literacy, we have continued with the story 'Paddington' and looked at using time adverbs. The children enjoyed making marmalade sandwiches and writing instructions for how to make them.
In Maths, we looked at making equal groups and the children used their knowledge of counting in 2s, 5s and 10s to help them. They sorted objects into equal groups and found the number to show what they were representing.
In Science, we continue to look at materials and compared a range of objects using their properties to describe them.
In History, we looked at key events in the Queen's life and created a timeline of these. The children then shared important events that have occurred in their own lives and drew pictures to illustrate this.