Year 3/4 news 13/05/22
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This week in English, we have been doing a lot of reading and have been specifically learning about how to answer retrieval, inference and vocabulary questions. Some of us have even begun to write our own questions to ask our friends. We have been continuing to learn about how to keep ourselves safe and healthy in PSHE as we have been finding out about medicines. We looked at how to use these safely and talked about different types that we knew. In Science, we created circuits in order to test which materials are conductors and insulators. We found that insulators stop the flow of electricity because the bulbs in our circuits didn't light up. We used our Science knowledge in DT to help us draw our circuits that we will use in our rockets that we will be making in the last week. In Computing, we have continued to use Scratch to learn about count controlled loops and have edited different games to investigate what the control blocks do. For our Humanism topic, we have learned about influential figures in the development of Humanism and how their ideas have been affected by their world views.