What did you enjoy most about the Easter experience?

First and foremost, congratulations to all of Year 5 for their incredible efforts and preparation for their Easter production, which they performed for the first time in front of the whole school on Friday morning. They are due to perform twice to parents and families next week, and as a Year 5 team we are so unbelievably proud of them for the hard work and dazzling performances put in – everyone in the audience was extremely emotional! Special mentions must go to: Caleb for playing Jesus with so much passion, and singing beautifully; Elenia, for stepping in at the last minute for Anvee who was unwell on Friday, all the soloists who sang so confidently by themselves; the technical crew for lighting and sound and of courses everyone in the production for performing so well as a team.
In maths this week, we finished our unit on fractions and in English we have been writing our own free verse poetry. Next week, we will be baking our own individual vegan apple pies with our own personally improved recipes for D&T – a delicious thing to look forward to!