How did the children get their writing skills?
This week in English, we have been reading and looking at the structure of folk tales, looking particularly at Rudyard Kipling's 'Just So' stories - although it was first published in 1902, the children were really engaged in the stories about how different animals got their distinctive features. We created our own checklist of features of folk tales showing everything that we needed to include and then we started to write our own tales using the character Anansi. On Monday afternoon, we had our inter house competition in our new house teams where we played bench ball and basket ball - lots of great, competitive fun! In Year 3 maths, we have continued learning about fractions and have been ordering them on a number line. In Year 4, we have been learning about tenths and hundredths as decimals. For our Science topic, we have been learning about different habitats and how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environments. In Computing, we finished our website project where we created web pages about different African countries.