Welcoming the Chinese New Year!
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We have had such a fun week celebrating Chinese New Year. Archie’s Mum came in on Monday to read the story The Great Race by Emily Hiles that was great at explaining all about the story behind Chinese New Year. She then told the children all about her own family celebrations for Chinese New Year. Reception have spent the week making Chinese lanterns, dragons, New Year cards, animal puppets to retell the story and using their fine motor skills exploring noodles with chopsticks. The children learnt how to write some Chinese words which they have written on red envelopes that they made. They are all hoping that they will get some money in their red envelopes at the end of the week! On Wednesday we had a fantastic Chinese banquet. The children tasted seaweed and prawn crackers and cooked stir-fry noodles with soy sauce, all very popular. We finished our banquet off learning about and performing a Chinese dragon dance. Both dancers and musicians were fantastic and very authentic.