How can we help to reduce plastic in the ocean?
The children have had another busy week and have been working hard completing all of their learning both inside and outside the classroom. We have been reminding the children of our school behaviour system and looking for children who are ready to learn, being respectful to their friends and adults and showing us they are safe in their learning.
In English, we have continued with our story 'Duffy's Lucky Escape' and the children have created their own leaflets to stop people from throwing plastic into the ocean. We have looked at using 'and' to join two sentences together and encouraged the children to show this in their independent writing.
In Maths, we have looked at addition by counting on. We have given the children a number sentence with a missing part and the children have had to count on to work out what the missing number is. The children have enjoyed practising their number bonds to 10 and using this to help them work out the answers.
In Science, we have continued looking at sea creatures and their features. The children have enjoyed using their knowledge to write descriptions about their favourite animal.