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Year 3 News

On this page you will find all the News from Years 3.

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  • Year 3: How can you draw equal groups to help with your times tables?

    Published 27/11/24

    This week in Year 3 children have worked hard to continue their learning on Spain, Sweden and Italy. In Maths, they have seen how diagrams and drawings can help to explain and support their times table work. 

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  • Year 3: What physical features of Spain, Italy and Sweden can you recall?

    Published 20/11/24

    This week in Year 3 we have all been working really hard to show off our learning so far! We have recapped our Maths knowledge and have practised our reading skills through our booklet week.  In Science, we looked at Friction and began to see how it impacts the speed of a car - a fun practical experiment! 

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  • Year 3: What relaxation stretches did you learn this week?

    Published 13/11/24

    Year 3 have started their new book of Fantastic Mr Fox this week and are excited to read more. In Maths we have started looking at equal groups and this will keep building to support children with their times tables learning; by the end of Year 3 all children should know their 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables.

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  • Year 3: What country did you look at for 'Around the World Day'?

    Published 06/11/24

    This week we have enjoyed welcoming everyone back after the half term break. We enjoyed our 'Around the World' themed days on Friday and were excited to continue with our Ukulele lessons this week! 

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  • Year 3: What was it like to live during the Stone Age?

    Published 23/10/24

    Year 3 have had a brilliant last week of the half term. As well as learning about Benjamin Zephaniah we have also enjoyed learning about the Sikh festival of Vaisakhi and how it shares similarities with the Christian festival of Harvest. We even performed some dancing in assembly to show how this is celebrated. Our week ended with Stone Age Day where we explored what life was like during the Stone Age. 

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  • Year 3: How did you use clay to make gargoyles this week?

    Published 17/10/24

    Year 3 have enjoyed our week looking at the National Gallery's take on picture, 'A courtyard in a house in Delft'. We have enjoyed making clay gargoyles and talking about what we can see. In Maths, we have carried on to develop our understanding of column subtraction.

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  • Year 3: What different animals lived during the Stone Age?

    Published 09/10/24

    Year 3 have enjoyed our learning this week! We have continued our work on Cave Baby and are excited to show off when we do our star write next week. We are excited to be carrying on with our Ukulele lessons as we learn more chords and new songs.

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  • Year 3: How did you build your Stonehenge this week?

    Published 02/10/24

    This week we have loved continuing our history topic about the Stone Age. We looked at Stonehenge and considered how it might have been built and why. We then had a go at using biscuits to create our own versions in groups - it was a very tasty history lesson! 

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  • Year 3: Why is Guru Gobind Singh important?

    Published 25/09/24

    This week in Year 3 we have worked hard to continue our English and Maths learning - we are getting ready for our first independent star write in the next few weeks! We have enjoyed our work on fossils and rocks and seeing what we can learn from them and how they are made.

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  • Year 3: How are rocks formed?

    Published 18/09/24

    This week in Year 3 we have enjoyed learning about the different ways rocks are formed. We have also worked hard in our place value unit in Maths and are ready to move onto our addition and subtract unit! Having read our story of Cave Baby, we have started to generate vocabulary to use when we retell the story in a few weeks.

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  • Year 3: When was the Stone Age?

    Published 11/09/24

    This week in Year 3 we have been excited to start all our new topics! Stone Age for History, Rocks for Science and Sikhism for R.E. We especially enjoyed making a human timeline on the playground for history and noticing just how long ago the Stone Age was!

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  • What have you enjoyed the most your first week in Year 3?

    Published 04/09/24

    We have had a really enjoyable week getting to know all the children in Year 3. They have come back from the summer break so focused and ready to learn, which is wonderful! We have enjoyed thinking about how to be resilient and how we can use this skill throughout the year to face all the new challenges of the year group.

    Also attached in advance of the meeting are the slides for the 'Welcome to Year 3' parent meeting.

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