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Reception News

Here you can read all about recent activities taking place in Reception.

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  • Reception: What has been the favourite thing you have learned in Reception?

    Published 18/07/24
    The children in Reception have had an incredible year. To round it off, we have been thinking about caring for our world. Recycling and reusing plastics and cleaning our beaches and oceans to save the wildlife and their habitats. 
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  • Reception: Which animal was your favourite at Bocketts Farm Park?

    Published 12/07/24
    Undoubtedly, the highlight of our Week in Reception, was a trip to Bocketts Farm Park. Not only did we dodge the major rainfall, we had a great time finding out facts about the animals. The children produced some fantastic writing about their trip th
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  • Reception: What are you most looking forward to about moving to Year 1?

    Published 05/07/24
    A Highlight for Reception this week was watching the Year 6 production. They sat right at the front of the audience and were superstars, listening beautifully and clapping in all the right places! Well done children.
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  • Reception: Which Country did you like best, and why?

    Published 27/06/24
    We have been around the world this week. We have been to a few countries and learned some facts about them, such as major sports or landmarks. We were even taught some yoga by a yoga instructor. We have made flags from the different countries. W
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  • Reception: How do you take care of your teeth?

    Published 20/06/24
    This week the children in Reception have been learning about how to care for their teeth. We have written letters to the tooth fairy explaining how we keep our teeth healthy. Some of us are already losing teeth.  We are also keeping a close e
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  • Reception: Which was your favourite activity at Sports Day?

    Published 14/06/24
    The children excelled themselves this week. It was their first ever Sports Day, and they took to it like they have been doing it for years!  They also learnt how to make a fire in Forest School. I wonder if they can remember what three thin
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  • Reception: How do you make gingerbread biscuits?

    Published 07/06/24
    The highlight for Reception this week has been the disappearance of two gingerbread men that were made for our Headteacher!  Find out about our adventures....
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  • Reception: What do you think would happen to the Gingerbread Man if he fell in the river?

    Published 24/05/24
    This week we have started the story The Gingerbread man. The children have had great fun repeating the phrase ‘Run, run, as fast as you can, you can’t catch me, I’m the Gingerbread Man!’ The children used their phonic knowledg
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  • Reception: What happens at the Changing of the Guard?

    Published 16/05/24
    This week the children in Reception have been continuing to explore London. They have made maps, built landmarks and a particular highlight was the changing of the guard, who were protecting their queen as she sat on her throne!
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  • Reception: How do you hail a taxi and how will you know if it is available?

    Published 09/05/24
    So Reception have started their journey to London this week. The highlight of our week was to have a real London Taxi in our playground so we could see how big it was up close. We all learnt how to hail a taxi and what to look for, on
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  • Reception: What do you need to make bubbles?

    Published 02/05/24
    This week the children in Reception have been learning about bubbles. They have watched a story, designed a bubble machine and experimented by making their own bubble wands.
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  • Reception: What building material would you use to build a house and why?

    Published 26/04/24
    This week, the children in Reception have been heard saying lines such as: 'Little Pig, Little Pig, let me come in.' and there has been a deal of huffing and puffing as they have attempted to build houses strong enough to withstand a wol
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